Have a 6 year-old tball game start at 8pm.
I guess the 6 year-olds can handle it. The game didn't get over until about 9:30 and then the ice cream and sodas didn't get over until about 10:00pm. Sammy had a blast and said, "DAD - I felt like I was in the World Series!"
And, really, I felt like I was watching him in the World Series. It was really cool to see him on a nicely manicured field, under the lights, and actually playing the game of baseball... with outs and everything! He played second base.
Did I mention that I was there without Geana? With four year old quadruplets? Whose normal bedtime is prior to 8pm?
In the Morris parenting system, the children are raised by two separate, yet equally important parents. The Father - who seems to get into predicaments when the mother is not around, and the Mother - who decided to go out tonight. These are our stories. (DUM DUUUM)
Ella deciding that she wanted to go home. This went on for about five minutes straight:
Anna's Muddy Feet:
James wants a seat:
Anna & Ella want nachos:
Robby's skanky feet:
OMGGG so cute and hilarious!!!! i give you props!!!
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