Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Podcast

I have decided to record a podcast every Sunday (we'll see how good I do.) I'd like to do a podcast from wherever we plan to go with the kids on that day but so far I've been a chicken sh@t and have been afraid to whip out my laptop and headset microphone at the pool or at a party. One of these days I'll do it... But for now - listen to Robby, James, and I discuss our day and play four awesome tunes for your commute into work tomorrow. Enjoy!

Quadcast # 20 - Starring Robby, James, & Daddy!

“Street Corner Preacher” by Amos Lee

“Trees” by Kingsfoil

“Computer” by State Shirt

“Hot Balloon” by 100 Year Picnic

You can subscribe to the podcast by going into itunes and searching for The Quadcast. There are two podcasts by this name but you should be able to figure out which one is mine.