I should've known that today was going to be a bad day as soon as I woke up. Today - we woke up at 7am again. There is just something about vacation that makes kids wake up early. I've decided to just accept this - and sleep when I'm dead.
The morning started by me coming upstairs, getting on the computer, and updating my blog - as I've done every morning. On this day the kids were out of control - running up and down the steps, jumping on the couch, screaming at the top of their lungs... anything you can think of. Geana promptly dressed the kids, loaded them up, and left to get them out of the house.
I showered and then caught up with them about forty five minutes later at a quaint little restaurant in town where they were having pancakes and eggs for breakfast. On the surface - they had seemed to calm down a bit.
We all painted something (to be picked up Thursday) and headed home to the pool to spend a few hours before Mommy and Sammy had to pack up and head back to Philadelphia for the next three days - Geana has school, Sammy a swimming banquet. (For you new readers - bad things happen when Geana leaves. I don't know why. I've stopped questioning it. It just happens. Geana went away for a weekend a few months ago and came home to Sammy's broken thumb and Ella's asthma putting her in the hospital - stay tuned...)
We headed to the boardwalk, sans Geana and Sammy. The kids all got a small toy to play with before we headed home for baths, dinner, and bed. I managed to snap this great picture of all of them playing with their toys and showing the love for their brothers and sisters:
At this point - it took a turn for the worst - nothing catastrophic... but annoying. I will leave you with a string of text messages between Geana and I from last night:
Kurt: Boardwalk tickets?If we live... more tomorrow...
Geana: In my handbag.
K: Bummer - ok.
G: I hate school.
K: We hate your school too
G: I miss you guys already
K: We almost got caught in the rain on the boardwalk.
G: Was your cast covered?
K: Nope - I cruised home ahead of the kids. It didn't rain.
(a few minutes later)
K: Robby hit his head on the doorknob.G: Is Robby ok? Who went to the boards?
K: He's fine. Also - James fell off the top bunk but Ella broke his fall. Everyone is ok. We all went except my dad. How is class?
G: Make sure you give Ella her meds.
K: Done. Anna just whacked her head on the table when giving me hugs and kisses good night.G: Kiss them for me.
K: I did. Also did you unclog the toilet before you left?
G: Yes.
K: Ok - something must be wrong with it because it just overflowed all over the bathroom floor. See you soon!
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