We searched for a YouTube clip that had the theme song so that we could show him. Upon looking and looking and looking - Geana finally found one and showed it to Sammy - who thought it was pretty cool. I mean, I guess he thought it was cool because he kept playing that damn song (if you can call it a song) for the next hour. Da Dum... Da Dum... Da Dum...
This led us on a trip down memory lane and we looked up the details of the movie online. It was made in 1975. It starred a young Richard Dreyfus, and - to our surprise - it had a PG rating! "WHAT?" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" were some of our comments. Yup - PG. Check it out here. This quickly led to a discussion that went kinda like this:
Geana: It's rated PG - we should watch it with the kids.We couldn't wait for Netflix so we ran to Hollywood Video to rent the movie (yes those stores still exist). Make some popcorn and hand me a soda, Mom, we're about to watch a shark eating people at the beach! Woo Hoo!! Robby and James were psyched! Anna and Ella - not so much. Sammy - still playing Da Dum... Da Dum...
Kurt: Totally!
We got home, turned down the lights, and settled in to watch the movie.
I should place a disclaimer here that we do teach our children that everything on tv is fake and that it is just pretend. Ella's response is always, "Everything on tv is fake... except for us, right Daddy?" Turns out this is true.
Anyway - back to the movie...

Anna & Ella took solice in each other. They pretty much sat next to each other, hugging, the entire movie. Mommy and Daddy took turns hugging them, too, of course. Robby and James were running around the room with their hands sticking up like a fin saying Da Dum... Da Dum... And Sammy sat next to us and watched intently, really enjoying the movie. If this wasn't Parental Guidance, I don't know what is.
I do have to say that - HANDS DOWN - the universal "favorite" part of the movie was when they were all in the boat, at night, drinking and singing the song, "I had a drink about an hour ago and it went straight to my head!" See - this is the song that Grandma sings to them at bedtime when they visit her house. We'll see how that goes next time she sings it...
Oh - and our beach vacation is in less than a month!
Awesome experience. My sons (5&6) also sat through Jaws about a year ago, and they loved it! The youngest was so fascinated that I had to buy him a book about sharks and now we have to make a trip to the aquarium at least once a month. It is nice that you get to spend time your kids like that. Truly parenting, just like you said.
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